Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Having two sisters that live close to me is great. Teresa only lives about a mile
away. During my health problems last year, she would drop by almost every morning
before she went to work to make sure I was OK. There were a couple of times that
she would almost force me to eat something and get some water down me. I would
try to please her but sometimes I just couldn't do it. She often would clean, do my
dishes and anything else she could think of. The most important thing she did was
go to my chemotherapy treatments whenever I needed her to be there. Since I
documented my cancer experience, Teresa would take pictures for me.

I wanted go do something special for her. Don and I decided to take her out to a dinner of her choice. She picked THE DRAGON WALL. We all had a great meal together. It was a small way to say thanks but she appreciated it. Don took this picture of us together when we got home.

I included this picture in my blog since it's a scene I often see in the evenings. Don, Shadow and I love to watch T.V. at night and I'm often the only one awake. Don and Shadow are asleep! This can be as early as 8:00 p.m. Then, when the news comes on, they both
wake up to watch it. It is really a funny sight!!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,

    My name is Ricky Hayes. Do you remember me from San Diego?
    I would very much like to get in touch with Don. He has been one of the most influential persons in my life and has been the subject of many sacrament meeting talks and priesthood lessons.
    Please give him my Email Address: Hayes3403@aol.com
